Customer Support
Terms & Conditions
Terms & Conditions


Quotations issued by APK Power, unless otherwise stated, shall be open for acceptance within 30 days from the date of the offer. Customers are required to clearly identify the items they require by supplying OEM part numbers and quantities. If APK Power is requested to research the parts numbers on behalf of the customer, then this is done on a ‘no fault’ basis. APK Power will use its best endeavours to identify the correct part numbers. However, APK Power will not accept liability for any errors, omissions or inaccuracies. Final responsibility for ensuring that the items have been correctly identified/selected/approved/ordered will always lie with the customer.


The prices stated are without VAT and, unless otherwise stated in the order confirmation, are ex warehouse from the APK Power premises (the point of sale). Packing is charged at 2% of the order value. To this effect, APK Power ceases to be responsible for the goods once they leave the company’s premises. Any FOB, documentation and freight charges are solely for the customer’s account. In this latter respect, APK Power cannot be held responsible for any problems, losses or expenses arising from the carriage of the goods, even if APK Power has appointed the forwarding agent at the customer’s request. It is recommended that customers fully insure their goods against loss or damage from the point of sale up to the delivery to their premises.


All orders should be placed in writing. If any verbal or telephone order is given, then the customer accepts all consequences that may result from any possible misunderstanding or misinterpretation on the part of APK Power. The order acknowledgement issued by APK Power is the final arbiter of what constitutes the contract of sale between APK Power and the customer. The sale of goods assumes by default that the customer has read and accepted all the items, quantities, prices and payment terms set out in the order acknowledgement. APK Power does not accept the cancellation or return of any Original (OEM/Genuine) parts or specially ordered parts unless they form part of a Warranty claim.


a) All invoices are payable in full without discount of any kind in the currency in which they were issued and under no circumstances shall the customer be entitled to make any deduction or withhold payment for any reason at all, or delay settlement beyond the terms agreed at the time of the order.

b) Without prejudice to any other rights of APK Power, if the customer fails to pay the invoice amount by the due date, APK Power shall have the right to charge interest on any overdue amount from the date on which payment was due to that on which it was made (whether before or after judgment) on a daily basis at the rate of 4% per annum over the base rate from time to time quoted for the currency in which the invoice was issued. All costs and expenses (including any legal costs) incurred by APK Power in the collection of any overdue amount will have to be reimbursed to APK Power.